Sunday, February 21, 2010

Negev Desert, yes it was hot and dry


Paul's dad and step mother came to visit for a few weeks and as a last trip with them we went off to Mitzpe Ramon, south and east of Be'er Sheva,  and if it sounds exotic it was.  Be'er Sheva still has it's Bedouin markets, but only on Thursday, sadly; US Customs wouldn't allow us to bring in a camel home anyway.  On our way down to Mitzpe Ramon we stopped at the Kibbutz home of David Ben Gurion (place he retired after the 1948 War of Israel's Independence.  Five miles further down the road is the site he selected for his tomb as well as his wife Paula, do they ever have a great view!   We made it to Mitzpe Ramon and had quickly started for the hiking path to the bottom of the crater.  This is not like hiking to Multnomah Falls or in the Rose garden, no railings or paved step, just boulders and fracturing limestone.
  The trail markings were only paint on rocks and hope you don't miss one.  There were several trails of  varying difficulty and location (down or the crater rim).  We went for the hard core green trail which went straight down and there were more than a few spots where I sat on my tuchas to get down.  The sights were more than a little like being on the moon, and a bit like the computer game MYST.  All of the rock and dirt was in shades of tan and gold. It was BARREN.  Alas; I saw a plant growing out of a rock!   At one point Noa said mom there is an Ibex... I didn't know what was talking about, and then... there were a dozen or more of these lovely creatures (well until you got close and saw how chewed up their fur was).  They were not fazed by us or any other humans for that matter.

The ride home provided home some entertainment:  The (L)
lamed is the Hebrew letter ( L) and in this case stands for Learner Driver.  We have seen these all over Israel on small cars where you see teens and others learning how to drive.  This one was a surprise as it was a soldier learning how to drive a Hummer. Also in Israel it is not unusual for a smaller vehicle to take on a larger one, see photo.  You should see the buses racing cars on two wheels.


  1. Great blog mom! It brings back so many memories..... haha :)

  2. loved this blog. all the tight impressions and thoughts. also, loved the cat photos. btw, we've had similar arguments with our neighbors about dog 'leavings.' it's universal i'm afraid.
